
Roof Damage Phoenix

The purpose of any home is to provide shelter from external conditions. A firm roof is an essential requirement for any home to have. Roofs with damage and broken edges can be a big problem for homeowners if not resolved quickly, especially in Phoenix, where the weather remains dry and hot for most of the year. Several factors can cause roof damage in Phoenix. The following factors can contribute to damage, so check your roof frequently and consult a professional roofing company at the first signs of damage.

Causes for Roof Damage

One of the best ways to preserve the longevity of your roof and protect your home from structural damage is to have a professional roof inspection done annually. Taking corrective measures quickly can save you thousands of dollars in repairs if the damage goes unchecked.

1. Waterproofing 

Water is one of the leading causes of damage to roofs in Phoenix. There are different ways water can damage your roof. Let’s have a look:


If the slope of your roof is not towards the drainage or if it’s not structured properly, it can lead to stagnant water on your roof, which will eventually damage the roof, and the ceiling will start to leak. Water can also damage your roof when your roof is old and has not been appropriately maintained.

Stagnant Water

Stagnant water from heavy rain or melted snow can also cause roof damage. During rainy weather, thoroughly check all the pipes and clear all the dirt inside them. This will reduce the risk of stagnant water on your roof and, after raining, will give a fresh look on your shingles. 

2. Harsh Weather Conditions

The roof damage in Phoenix can also occur due to extreme weather conditions.

Winter Season

The weather in Phoenix is primarily sunny and dry most of the year; however, the winters are mildly cold, and the temperature may drop down to 10 °C on average. Cold and dryness can make a great enemy altogether and would cause your roof to crack and chip.


The wind is a great enemy of your roof; high wind can be a great enemy to your roof. It will erupt the nails and flashing sheets. A high inflow of winds can sometimes cause weak shingles to even completely rip off from the house, which is dangerous and potentially leads to costly damage. Storms and thunderstorms are the biggest sources of shingle damage. If the shingles have been on your roof for too long or even new but not installed properly, then it will be a great setback for your roof. High winds can also pose a danger for tile, metal, and other types of roofing.

Heavy Rain

The water from heavy rain and other extreme weather conditions can cause damage to the material of tiles and will cause it to curl, rip or even fall off. It is advisable to visually inspect your roof after any significant weather event to find and fix any minor issues before they have a chance to cause significant damage.

3. Unprofessional Work

Problems can occur from the very start if your roofing system is not installed correctly. Unprofessional installation can waste your money, resources, and time. Proper installation of flashing, shingles, and other essentials are important. Tile roofing is more prone to unprofessional handling because of its complexity.

4. Foam Roofs

The material which is used in the assembling of the flat roof has a limited life span. They will wear off with the passage of time or may absorb damage due to storms and heavy rains in Phoenix, and the foam may develop any crack which needs repair immediately. Some of them are:

Borderline Damage

On a flat roof, the edges provide the extra protective layer under the layers. If there’s any edge formed under the roof, it will cause the leakage of water between layers.

 Ruptured Covering

Flat roof underlayments may become weaker over time which results in splitting between layers and require rebuilding of the damaged area. 

Avoid DIYs

People can get easily impressed by DIY ideas readily available on the internet. While DIY projects can often save you money, this isn’t the place to attempt a DIY improvement unless you are experienced with roofing. One such DIY is washing and cleaning your roof by yourself. Washing with high pressure can cause the exterior layer of your roof to start chipping and can cause the shingles to start to curl or crack.

High pressure of water can damage your roof by damaging its protective layers, tiles, and other roofing material that will eventually lead to permanent damage, and you’ll have to replace it as soon as possible.

Tips to Keep a Roof Intact

There are few more valuable tips to which will help homeowners to better prepare for any setback before it happened.

1. Scraping

When the surface of your roof tiles starts to erode, it’s a sign of the material becoming weak, and if the tile is not replaced, the problem can expand to impact other parts of the roof as well.

2. Removing Curl Shingles

Shingles are made from elongated material, and they may get curled over time by the constant exposure to the sun. So, replacing the faulty ones will save a lot of time and money.

3. Damaged Corners

One of the common problems which homeowners face is any open or damaged patches in the corners. They wear off with a passage of time, so be sure to inspect every edge twice a year.

4. Protection from Branches and Animals

Due to high-speed winds, some of the branches can be stuck on your shingles and may cause roof damage. Birds often choose rooftops to make their nests. Once the nest is abandoned, be sure and remove it from your rooftop to avoid the debris causing damage.